Parish Groups
Balclutha Parish Pastoral Council
Chairperson – Pauline Dodds (03 418 1230 or 021 108 1091)
Secretary – Stephanie Bowden (021 2386 668)
Members: Fr Jacob Thevasahayampillai, Christine Elder, Maria Hill, Iosefa Setu
Marian Mothers Group
A Marist inspired group of learning, prayer and friendship for women, who meet monthly.
Contact/organiser: Christine Elder (022 1269 874)
Sacramental Programme
A Parish based programme for children is organized in a two-year cycle: Reconciliation in November, with Confirmation and First Eucharist the following August and November respectively.
Contact the Parish Priest in the first instance.
Our Parish School
Principal: Annette O’Mahoney
St Joseph’s School – Balclutha